Tuesday, July 13, 2010

So we had our second ultrasound appt today. We got to see the two little guffers again, lots of fun. It turns out that the girl is on my left side and the boy is on the right. Right now they are both heads up. They were not shy during the 'photo shoot' and we again saw the boy/girl parts. The boy is a little bigger, but the girl is more active. Most of the movement I feel is on my left side, where she is. She was also poking and jabbing at the boy frequently during the whole visit, foot to his head, hand to his side, piledrive to the face, j/k, etc:) Heartbeats are both strong 140 to 157 respectively. We got some more good pictures to bring home. They are both about 2 lbs now and I am 26 weeks along! I feel like I was close to my due dates with the others and I still have at least 2 or so months to go. My next doctors appt is next wed, July 21.

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