Tuesday, July 20, 2010

So I must be pregnant-with twins. Last night after the kids were in bed and I was checking emails, I got the growlies. I ate well for dinner, but my tummy was EMPTY. I went to the fridge and cut up some watermelon, you know, enough to make regular people have to pee tons in 20 minutes, then I poured my first tall glass of milk, got some wheat thins and cottage cheese and went back to the computer. The food disappeared somewhere fast and I was back in the kitchen again for two plums and more milk. Then at bedtime, two hours later, I still had not peed and had since drinken a bottle of water. Woke up about 1:30 am and then tinkled in the toilet. I just laugh-so much of my weight gain in fluid it's not funny. I am pleased so far though. I can still fit my thighs and bottom into my regular jeans. So I figure it's all babies...


Tori Williams said...

Oh that is so funny!!! You are an eating machine! I was too, right up until my last month or so, then I got full so fast. Boy I was happy when I could eat a regular sized meal again. :) Probably too happy if you know what I mean. I miss you.

Dandelion said...

Hi Jeanette,I laughed, from you end though it probally is not funny.
"She'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes, she'll be coming 'round the mountain when she comes..." I'll be coming to help you for a couple of months Jeanette. Keep in touch.