Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July, (and Canada Day!!!). Hope it was safe and enjoyable for all. We started the day with a pancake breakfast at church. Then I drove the kids halfway to meet Rich so he could take the kids to Sacramento for the weekend. Then Alan and I lazied around the house, did some yard work and made plans for the evening. We headed up to Lodi to watch some fireworks and make some of our own... Then back home and to bed. Sunday morning was busy finishing up two lessons and preparing our fast. Its always different and quiet when we don't have any kids for church. Alan did the lesson on sugar beets, and I did the young women lesson on Forgiveness. It was a great and fulfilling day. Then to pick up the kids after church and home for dinner about 5:30. We are blessed with such good food each week, what a bounty! And such nice times together as a family, we decided to go for a bike ride and we stopped by grandma/grandpas house too. Now the kids are in bed and it's smoothie time...

1 comment:

Tori Williams said...

Sounds like a nice weekend. So what class does Alan teach that he would be teaching a lesson on Sugar Beets?