Saturday, June 20, 2009

So weird thing happened this week at the library. I feel out of place or just behind. Anyway, I took the three kids to the library for story time like I used to. I guess it has been a long time (try 2 or more years). SO we go in and sit down. I tell the kids to pick out a little rug to sit on by my feet. They all hover around me standing, shy... None of them wants to get a name tag! What's wrong with my kids? I look around to see all these little little kids, like babies. 1.5 or 2 year olds that have name tags and are (believe it or not) sitting down waiting for the lady to begin. She begins with my kids standing by me not wanting to be there. We sing the hello song and then she reads a story. Then it's time for another hand song. None of my kids are co-operating, complaining they don't want to be here. C'mon guys! Sit on a rug and participate! Then Jasmine says "we're not babies anymore mom." Duh! What happened to my life that I don't have little ones anymore? LameO! You're kids are tooooo old for story time at the library. News to me! So we left. Just like that. I don't have little ones anymore. What to do? I guess those hard times really don't last forever. Why was I so stressed out so much of the time? Why didn't I just SIT DOWN AND ENJOY THE FUN SIMPLE STUFF? Why can't I just sit down and enjoy the fun simple stuff NOW? What's wrong with us? What is so IMPORTANT that we don't have time for each other? Blah blah blah.


Liesl said...

Yikes, what an eye-opening experience. I remember some conference talk that told parents to "Enjoy the moments" with the kids. Enjoy what you have left with your not-so-little ones. Luv ya, cuz!!

Tori Williams said...

That is crazy! They are growing up so fast. That's funny that that even registers in their minds. Give them my love!