Stupid things parents do to mess up their kids by Dr. Laura
Is there life after housework? by Don Aslett
Re-married with Children by Barbara LeBey
File, don't Pile by Pat Dorff
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Ok, so I am trying to get back to blogging. We have had a wonderful past year with the babies growing so fast and all the kids helping out so nicely.
Happy Birthday to Julian and Jasmine! My eleven and nine year olds! Love my happy children:)
Zelma Chase holds Haylie and Hunter a few days before her and Joe leave for Texas. We are going to miss our Nana and Grampy (Alan's girls' grandparents and my kids' sub-grandparents.
My days before Alan put on drawer locks. So much fun!
I bought this huge mango at an asian grocery store for $2.00. It's almost bigger than Jasmine's head:) and it fed 5 kids.
Jasmine and Teagan pose for the camera after dinner.
We just recently said good bye to Teagan as she left for London, England for her 4th year of university. Julian, Jasmine, Triston, myself, Alan, and the twins, and some of her family had dinner together at Texas Roadhouse.